Tuesday, May 26, 2009

And... we're done

See? I knew that happy feeling wouldn't last long.

Three weeks ago (three weeks already!!) D went to see our GP about a red spot above his belly button that was very tender and hard, like a penny under his skin. She took one look at him and sent him right to emergency to be seen by the surgeon. It was an abscess/fistula that needed to be drained. The procedure of draining it was very traumatic. A little local anesthetic, and a slice. The Dr. didn't even give him any pain medication for after the anesthetic wore off. Luckily my sister had some percocet left over that my mom brought over to us.

That first weekend was rough. The surgeon didn't put a big enough bandage on the wound and the first night D bled all over him self and the bed. F#$&ing surgeon, can't properly dress a wound and wasn't concerned with his comfort at all! The next day we went to the hospital again, this time to the Community Care Access Center Ambulatory Clinic to have the dressing changed. The nurses there are very nice.

"Is that all they put on there?" Was her reaction to seeing the amount of gauze the surgeon put over the incision.

Every day D has to go back to the clinic to get the dressings changed. Inside the incision is a strip of gauze that they call a "wick", just like a candle. It is used to keep the incision from healing and to promote drainage of the fistula.

Over the last three weeks there have been some ups and downs, and last week we honestly thought things were starting to look up. He was off the antibiotics, it was draining less, the nurses were even talking about having him come in every other day instead of every day. However, this weekend D took a turn for the worse. He started having a lot of pain on his right side, where his inflammation is and the wound started draining A LOT.

Even the big pads the nurses put on haven't been able to contain it the last couple nights. Yesterday D called his specialist to see if he should be back on more antibiotics, but he wasn't in until today. This morning when he went to the clinic, the nurse thought that perhaps he should be on IV antibiotics. That would require him being admitted to the hospital. I really hope that it doesn't come to that, because he would be really upset if he had to miss a bunch of work. That would upset him more than actually being sick.

** Updated** D does not have to be on IV antiboitics. However, he will be back on pill form antibiotics for the next month.

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