Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Garden Updates

The hostas that D's mom gave me are doing wonderfully.
The varigated one is huge!
This unique yellow hosta was given to me by my friend and neighbour, T. Notice how the stems are red? It was not growing well in her full sun garden, but is flourishing in my shady one!
The astilbe that T also gave me is doing well. I've lost the tag she gave me with it, so I don't know when it will bloom, hopefully soon. The little purple flowers I bought at Wal-mart, but it wasn't until I got home that I realized that they were for full sun, we will see how they do in the shade, but I may have to give them to T next year.
The Daylilies from D's moms garden are just starting to bloom, I wonder what colour they are going to be? I can't remember what her looked like from last year, and I keep forgetting to ask her.

This is an Alpine Columbine that I bought from Wal-mart. I just love the unique shape of hte flower, but aparently it's hard to photograph with my camera...

This looks like I was down a hill trying to take this picture, but there is no hill there!

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