Sunday, July 22, 2012

End of the ride

We are officially cancelled.  The risk of higher order multiples and OHSS was just too high.  I have an appointment with my RE Aug 14 to sign consents for IVF.  We will take next month off to give my over stimulated ovaries a rest and start bcp for IVF in September/October.

That just seems so far away...

Saturday, July 21, 2012


I'm getting dizzy!

So as of this morning IUI could be back on on Monday... It will depend on my E2 levels today, and how many follicles mature for tomorrow. I guess they had some trouble seeing my ovaries yesterday (or maybe my body just went crazy last night) but yesterday on the L there was 12, 10, today there were: 16, 14, 13, 13, 11, 10, 10!!! Add to that on the R there is: 19, 15, 15, 14, 14, 13, 13, 11...

The nurse this morning looked like she was going to hyperventilate when she saw all of those. When I told her that my R tube was blocked she calmed down some, but the possibility of 4 mature on my good side still makes them nervous.

They weren't sure if I should coast for another day or if I should take another 25IU of Puregon tonight. The concern with coasting is that my E2 levels could start to drop and nothing would mature further, but taking more drugs could cause all 4 to mature and that would be too many... In the end they decided to have me do more drugs tonight and we will see what happens tomorrow morning.  We are hoping to see that on the left, the 16 and 14 have grown, but the rest have stayed around the same.  If both of those 13's grow I will likely still be cancelled.  The risk of quads is just too great and I don't want to be the next Kate...

One option they gave me was to convert this cycle from IUI to IVF.  Since I have so many follicles, I would be a good cantidate.  But the success rates aren't as good as regular IVF.  It is less $ than regular IVF because it's considered a treatment for a complication from IUI but it's still expensive and in my opinion not worth it if the chances of success are lowered. 

With IVF, the ovaries are suppressed so that all of the follicles start growing at the same rate and theoretically they would all be around the same size and the same maturity at retrieval.  Since I do have one lead follicle on the R (that 19 one) it is possible that the others wouldn't be fully mature.  If they did the retrieval for IVF, I would have less mature eggs to choose from than if I started IVF from the beginning.  Therefore less chance for success.

I'm taking this day by day and will see what tomorrow brings...

Friday, July 20, 2012

IUI #1 Take 3??

Left side shrunk, right side grew... dammit!! Cancelled again :(

I am still going to continue with the injections and go back to the clinic tomorrow morning because I'm still going to trigger this cycle to release the eggs... I didn't last month and ended up with 3cm cysts because of it, I don't want 5 of those, that sounds painful!

We have to make a decision about what to do next cycle. We could do IVF, but if DH looses his job in Spetember, we would have no savings to get us through until he finds a new one... Or we could attempt another IUI, but really what's the point?? Or we could do nothing...

The really craptastic thing about this is that because of the timing, I will likely have to cut my vacation in half if I want to cycle again. I leave on Aug 4 for the cottage for a week and that will likely be CD3 or 4... This happened last year too.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012



I started going into the clinic for monitoring on Monday morning.  They take some blood to check my hormone levels and do an internal ultrasound to see how many and how big my follicles are growing.

On Monday, my cysts from last cycle appeared to have shrunk some, I don't know how big they are, she just said "smaller". The bad news was that I only had growth on my right (blocked) side, there is one at 10mm and one 11mm. Nothing on the left. It was still early, but I had a feeling that I'll be cancelled by the end of the week.

Yesterday morning went in again and I started to have growth on the LEFT! There is more on the right, but there were 3 on the left and  1 of them was dominant, so that is good! They called me yesterday afternoon because my E2 levels were really high and they wanted me come back today instead of tomorrow.

This morning I had 5 follies on the R (15, 13, 13, 11, 10) and 2 on the L (14, 13)... Mature is 20. They asked if I wanted to consider converting the cycle to IVF since I have so many. But we just don't have the $ for that right now. Yes, 7 follies is a little scary for IUI, but we can ignore the 5 on the R due to the surgically blocked tube, so really it's only 2.

My injection dose has been decreased from 100IU to 50IU and I go back on Friday for more monitoring.

I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but it's hard, this may be the first time we've had a real chance in 2.5 years...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Roller Coaster Day


I had a bit of a roller coaster ride this morning... I went in for my CD3 BW&US and they found two cysts on my R ovary. Those are the 2 follicles that I had from last cycle, only now they were 3cm each! The nurse said it might cause this cycle to be cancelled as well, but it would depend on what my blood work came back at and they would call me and let me know later today.

I was so bummed when I left the office this morning thinking I'd have to wait another full cycle to see if they resolved themselves. But then around 1pm I got a call from the nurse and my levels are low so I am good to go! I start stimming tonight at 100IU Puregon. Yay!

When I got back to the office, I was at one of the buildings when I got the call from the clinic, the roller coaster ride continued.  I found out that my friend M started spotting this morning.  She is 8 weeks pregnant.  Within the hour, the spotting turned to bleeding.  It looks like she is going to loose the baby :( 

I'm devastated for her.

If I could be happy for her and sad for myself when I found out she was pregnant, I can also be sad for her and happy for me that my cycle is continuing while her pregnancy is not.

I'm so happy/sad/happy/sad/sad/confused....

Sunday, July 8, 2012

That was Quick

CD19 CD1

When my cycle was cancelled last weekend I looked to the internets to find information on what would happen now.  I didn't know anyone else who had stopped taking the drugs before O.  How would my body react to that?  Dr. F said that sometimes any follicles that were created with drugs that weren't released, would just shrink away and I likely wouldn't O. 


That's fine, since they were on the blocked side anyway it didn't matter if I O'd or not.  But what would happen then?  My biggest fear was that after they shrunk, my body would still look to O naturally and I would have a super long cycle while my hormones sorted themselves out.  If I had a super long cycle, or even if it was just a couple days later than normal, that would result in having to go to the clinic for all of my appointments during my vacation! 

Crappy!!!  I wouldn't be able to go to the cottage and I REALLY need that!

Luckily, that's not what happened at all!  I had a pleasant (?????) surprise this morning when I went to the bathroom first thing and there was AF!  It's only been 1 week since I stopped the drugs and it's only CD19... Well I guess it's CD1 now...

Normally I hate seeing the wicked witch, but having her come sooner this time means  I can get started again sooner!  And I will be done with all appointments by my vacation!

In fact, (If I actually get to do the IUI this time) I will be at the cottage for the last week of the TWW. Which will hopefully be a good distraction.

I am still considering this IUI#1 since I didn't even get to the IUI stage last time. 

I guess this is IUI#1, Take 2.

Sunday, July 1, 2012



We are officially cancelled.  Still no growth this morning on the L side and they aren't sure that what was on the R was actually a follicle, it could have been a cyst.  So... not even halfway through the cycle and it's failed.

I will start the next cycle at 100iu and hope for at least 1 on the L.

Now I just have to wait forever for my period to start again.  This is going to be a long 20 days...