Saturday, July 21, 2012


I'm getting dizzy!

So as of this morning IUI could be back on on Monday... It will depend on my E2 levels today, and how many follicles mature for tomorrow. I guess they had some trouble seeing my ovaries yesterday (or maybe my body just went crazy last night) but yesterday on the L there was 12, 10, today there were: 16, 14, 13, 13, 11, 10, 10!!! Add to that on the R there is: 19, 15, 15, 14, 14, 13, 13, 11...

The nurse this morning looked like she was going to hyperventilate when she saw all of those. When I told her that my R tube was blocked she calmed down some, but the possibility of 4 mature on my good side still makes them nervous.

They weren't sure if I should coast for another day or if I should take another 25IU of Puregon tonight. The concern with coasting is that my E2 levels could start to drop and nothing would mature further, but taking more drugs could cause all 4 to mature and that would be too many... In the end they decided to have me do more drugs tonight and we will see what happens tomorrow morning.  We are hoping to see that on the left, the 16 and 14 have grown, but the rest have stayed around the same.  If both of those 13's grow I will likely still be cancelled.  The risk of quads is just too great and I don't want to be the next Kate...

One option they gave me was to convert this cycle from IUI to IVF.  Since I have so many follicles, I would be a good cantidate.  But the success rates aren't as good as regular IVF.  It is less $ than regular IVF because it's considered a treatment for a complication from IUI but it's still expensive and in my opinion not worth it if the chances of success are lowered. 

With IVF, the ovaries are suppressed so that all of the follicles start growing at the same rate and theoretically they would all be around the same size and the same maturity at retrieval.  Since I do have one lead follicle on the R (that 19 one) it is possible that the others wouldn't be fully mature.  If they did the retrieval for IVF, I would have less mature eggs to choose from than if I started IVF from the beginning.  Therefore less chance for success.

I'm taking this day by day and will see what tomorrow brings...

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