Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Roller Coaster Day


I had a bit of a roller coaster ride this morning... I went in for my CD3 BW&US and they found two cysts on my R ovary. Those are the 2 follicles that I had from last cycle, only now they were 3cm each! The nurse said it might cause this cycle to be cancelled as well, but it would depend on what my blood work came back at and they would call me and let me know later today.

I was so bummed when I left the office this morning thinking I'd have to wait another full cycle to see if they resolved themselves. But then around 1pm I got a call from the nurse and my levels are low so I am good to go! I start stimming tonight at 100IU Puregon. Yay!

When I got back to the office, I was at one of the buildings when I got the call from the clinic, the roller coaster ride continued.  I found out that my friend M started spotting this morning.  She is 8 weeks pregnant.  Within the hour, the spotting turned to bleeding.  It looks like she is going to loose the baby :( 

I'm devastated for her.

If I could be happy for her and sad for myself when I found out she was pregnant, I can also be sad for her and happy for me that my cycle is continuing while her pregnancy is not.

I'm so happy/sad/happy/sad/sad/confused....

1 comment:

  1. Oh hunny, Im so sorry to hear about your friend. That is awful.It is so hard to have those days with conflicting feelings, but yes you are allowed to feel happy for yourself and sad for her xoxoxox
