Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I had my ultrasound today. I still don't know anything, the technicians won't tell you anything so I have to wait to see my Dr. once she gets the report.

Today was also Yoga Day!  Every Wednesday at lunch a woman from my work runs a yoga class at the gym.  It's a great way to relax and forget all my worries even if it's only for 40 min once a week.  I treasure this time and look forward to it each week.  Right after Yoga I had to start drinking my 1L of water to prepare for the u/s.

It was torture.

Every time a took a big drink of water I would look at the bottle and wonder why there was still so much left! It was driving me nuts!  It probably would have been easier if I had been even a little bit thirsty.  I had to finish the 1L of water at least 1 hour before my appointment.  I started to get really worried when after my first two drinks of water, I already had to pee... With about 2 minutes to go, I was trying to chug my water and type an email at the same time using one hand to hold the giant water bottle and the other to type.

Once at the lab, they were true to their word and didn't keep me waiting with an extremely uncomfortably full bladder too long.  I was taken to a tiny change room, smaller than a clothing store change room, and told to take off my pants and underwear and put on the robe. I then went to the ultrasound room.

As I getting on the table, the tech casually mentions that it is their standard with all pelvic ultrasounds to also do a trans-vaginal ultrasound.


"Oh, by the way, we are going to get real personal this afternoon..."


The pelvic ultrasound went by really quickly and painlessly.  Even with her pushing on my very full bladder, it wasn't bad.  Thankfully, they don't have to do the trans-vag with a full bladder so I was allowed to go to the washroom first.

"Now, the instrument" (Yes she called it the instrument) "only has to be inserted about *this* far. So don't be scared by how big it is"

Doesn't this sound like fun so far?

Then she lubes it up and asks me to insert it.  Yes, because that will make this so much more comfortable, if you have me do that part. I mean, it's not like you will be moving it around inside me for the next 10 minutes.

It felt like it took forever.  But when I got back in my car, I had only been in there for about 30 minutes all together including changing time and going to the washroom.

Hopefully my Doctor will call me soon with the results.  She seemed to be taking a lot of images.  I wonder if that is because there was something to there to take images of, or if they normally take that many.

Part of me wants there to be something there.  Some sort of explanation that can be treated and dealt with.

I will keep you posted when I hear something.

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