Friday, January 11, 2013

Symptom Check

16w 0d

How the hell did I get to 4 months already???

So far I've had it pretty good symptom wise **knocks on wood**.

In the first trimester, my main complaints were of heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and nausea.  My "morning sickness" always happened in the evening around dinner time, but it never got too terrible.  A lot of twin moms describe having exaggerated morning sickness but I've been pretty lucky in that department and have only thrown up once.  I keep catching my self thinking that I was made to be pregnant, but then have to remind myself if that was the case, I would have been able to get there on my own. But I digress...

My nausea has finally subsided only to be replaced with heartburn (Tums are my new best friend).  Some nights I still feel a little off.  I seems that I either have heartburn or nausea, but not both or nothing.  I'll take it since it means I will have two little miracles in my arms by the summer.

Other symptoms have included:
round ligament pain (ouch!)
spotting - which has stopped, thankfully, for now...
back pain
less frizzy hair - yes, I hardly have to straighten it anymore!

So far I haven't had any real food aversions or cravings.

I think I may have felt baby B a couple of times, but nothing with any consistency, and I may just have gas...

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