Thursday, February 26, 2009

Busy, Busy

The last couple of weeks have been quite active in terms of planning for the wedding. This past weekend I went to my Auntie Cheryl's wholesale flower warehouse to get inspiration for decorations. Since I still was not 100% sure that the museum would work out, I didn't want to buy too much right now, I mean the wedding is still over 8 months away... However, I did find an awesome deal on some branches. Since we are getting married in November, and in Ontario there aren't many flowers in bloom in November I wanted to use as much natural materials as I could. My original plan was to forage for branches to use as decorations along with fall leaves, but this deal was too good to pass up. The branches are painted a really nice gold. Not an overwhelming sparkle gold, but more like a natural brown, that when you get close to it you realize that it's gold. And they were on sale for 75% off!!! AWESOME!

From there we went to a bag store where I will be able to get a bunch of ribbons to use in decorating as well. I didn't pick anything up this time because I'm still unsure of what my needs are.

Our last stop of the day was Michael's. Armed with my 40% off coupon, I picked up some embossing powder I hope to use on my invitations (if I can figure out how to make it melt without buying the heat gun) and the guest book I wanted to get was on sale for 50% off! So overall it was a very successful shopping trip last Saturday!

Since then, I have confirmed with the museum, found a bunch of photographers who are still available that day (even if my first choice is not), and also found a bagpipe playing officiant! I know, I know, many of you who aren't Scottish may be cringing right now... the bagpipes may be an acquired taste, but I love them. They remind me of when I was a little girl and my parents and Grandparents would take me to the parade on Saturday nights at the cottage, and I'd ride on Dads shoulders as we followed the band down the center of town. And I vaguely remember my Grandparents 50th wedding anniversary where they had a solo piper play on the beach during their celebration. We may not have the beach, but with a bagpiper there, it will feel like Grandma and Papa are there too.

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