Thursday, May 10, 2012

LAP #2 part 1

Yesterday I had a second laparoscopic surgery. After the first one, I was looking forward to having surgery with a Dr I had more faith in.  Still obviously very nervous, it is surgery after all, but this time it would be at a great hospital and with a better Dr.

I arrived at the hospital at 7am and registered.  My parents met me there at registration and kept D company while I was in surgery. I was impressed at how well everything ran. There was very little waiting between each step.  After registering, I went down to the same day surgery waiting area.  A nurse came and took me to a little room where she took my vitals and gave me a gown and housecoat to change into. 

I was so excited to get to keep my own socks on throughout the surgery!  It's a little thing to be excited about but I remember how cold I was last time and the though of my wool socks was comforting.

Once I was changed, I was set up with an IV.  The nurse had some trouble with my IV and she poked around for quite a bit before she got it in.  When she finally had it, blood went all over.  After the blood was all cleaned up, she went and got D to sit with me while they gave me saline and an antibiotic.  Once the antibiotic was all done I was taken to the surgery ward.  my parents got to walk down there with me but they had to wait in another waiting room until after I was done.  I said good bye to them there and went with D to another waiting area.

This area had boxes on the walls with different Dr's names on them and we went and sat in the chairs under Dr. F.  There, we met with the anaesthesiologist and the nurses and residents that would all be helping Dr. F in the OR.  I also got to meet with Dr. F briefly before I went in.

There was a little confusion about whether a laser would be used or not.  Dr.F doesn't use the laser, but there is another Dr who helps with it and he was able to be there.  Just before I was put under, they had me initial a change to my consent to include laser.

Once the consent was changed, they put the oxygen mask on and added a new drug to my IV and I felt the warmth spread over my head and I was out.

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