Friday, May 11, 2012

LAP #2 part 2

When I woke up in recovery, I was freezing, as usual, and they gave me a bunch of warm blankets. I was shaking from the anesthesia wearing off and that made my stomach hurt so they gave me more morphine. Once they gave me 18 something (I don't know what morphine is measure in) of morphine the nurse said I was prescribed 20 so she would just give me the last of it. A few minutes later she was at my side telling me to take a few deep breaths, over and over, she kept repeating that. Then she said she would have to decrease the morphine because I kept forgetting to breathe. Oops! I guess that is kind of important...

After I became more stable, you know... like remembering to breathe... they gave me a banana Popsicle.  It was strange to eat it because normally I have very sensitive teeth and I can't bite into ice cream or Popsicles etc. but because of the morphine, I couldn't feel it at all so I chomped away at that Popsicle.  It was delicious!

While I was in recovery, Dr. F went and talked to D to let him know what happened during the procedure.  She was not able to remove my right tube without damaging the ovary and impairing ovarian function so she clamped it.  She also laserd off a bunch of endometriosis.  Again, she could only do so much with out damaging ovarian function.  I was diagnosed with moderate to severe endometriosis.  I am so glad to FINALLY have a diagnosis of something I have suspected I've had since puberty.  An explanation for the pain and cramping I have every month.

I slept for most of the rest of the day; in the 2nd recovery area, in the car, at home.  I woke up only to eat a little something and go to the washroom.  Around 10 I woke up and then couldn't get back to sleep until about 1am - of course!

I have been recovering well.  My naturalpath gave me some homeopathic remedies to help me reduce the amount of pain killers I've had to take.  It seems to be helping, I've been managing with only 1 T3 every 6 hrs whereas last time I was taking 1 every 2-3 hours. 

Another thing that might be helping in that respect is that the location of the incisions is different this time.  With my first LAP I had two incisions, one in my belly button and the other just above my pelvic bone right at the hair line.  It was that second incision that was always so painful.  They didn't shave the area before putting the tape on and I don't think it held properly because of that.  This time, I have more incision points, but 3 of them are off to the side so it's not so painful to use my stomach muscles and sit up.  I have one point in my belly button, 2 on my right side and one on my left.  I am going to look like I've been a knife fight once they are healed.

No more bikini's for me.

The only real major pain I've been having is from the gas.  During the surgery they pump CO2 into my abdomen to allow them to get a better view of everything using the small instruments and cameras used during laparoscopic surgery.  They try to remove as much of it as they can before closing the incisions, but ultimately some gets trapped.  It will eventually work its way out but right now it's settling in my shoulders when I sit and around my lungs and ribs and it's quite painful.  A heating pad helps the most.  I feel a little bit like I'm wearing a bib with the heating pad tucked up under my chin, but oh well, I'm not trying to win any fashion shows here.

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