Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Fresh Start


Today I was finally able to call into the clinic to start my very first IUI cycle!  I haven't been so happy to see AF in a really long time.  It means we get to start trying something!  I'm still nervous about the injectables, but I know I can do it.

I will do anything for this.

I am not looking forward to the next 8 months at work... or in general.  A co-worker has announced her pregnancy.  I don't work real closely with her, but she is part of the group that I go scrapbooking with.  I would go scrapbooking to avoid doing things with pregnant people, and now I've lost that escape :(  Also, my friend and co-worker M just found out she is expecting.  She is filling in for T while T is on mat leave.  There must be something about that office... the one right outside mine... where I can hear everyone drop by and say congratulations every 5 min...  She hasn't announced yet, she's only 5 weeks along, so I have another 2 months before that starts again, but I feel like it finally just stopped when T left.

Another one bites the dust.

M was also struggling to conceive.  They started trying around the same time as we did, but they took a couple of breaks because they weren't sure they really wanted it.  They started seeing Dr. M after we did and I felt really bad when I left the clinic after referring her there.  They decided to try a couple of cycles with the same drug that I used, and were successful on their 2nd month.

I am the only one left. 

My entire circle of friends in Guelph (not that it is very big) is either pregnant or has kids except me.

It still amazes me how quickly some people forget their struggles. Every day for lunch M and I would get the same thing, a turkey sandwich with a side salad.  Well, now that she's pregnant she can't eat lunch meat and has had to find something else to eat.  And more than once she has commented that she is jealous that I can still eat our lunch.  Really?? I finally said to her on Monday "I hope you'll forgive me if I don't feel sorry for you..."  I tried to say it really nicely, but I hope I made my point.  We haven't had lunch together since so it remains to be seen.

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