Thursday, April 30, 2009

Eat my words

My earliest recollection of the phrase "Eat Your Words" is from the movie Puff the Magic Dragon, when the scary pirate tells the little boy that he will make him eat is words. At the time, I had no idea what that meant, but it sounded like a monumental task, and pictured a giant block letter A with a bite out of it. I always wondered what, exactly, words tasted like... chicken perhaps? Everything tastes like chicken...

But now, I am forced to eat my words. They actually taste like paper. A while ago I posted that April showers do not bring May flowers. Then this happened:

What are these flowers doing out??? Don't they realize that it is still going to get cold and snow and it will kill them? I privately mourned the little flowers and their untimely suicide. At least the trees were smart, they were with me, they hadn't started blooming yet. The trees are like adults, cynical, not believing the warm weather, waiting patiently for the inevitable late April snow storm. While the flowers are like children; wearing shorts and riding bikes, out there soaking up all the early sunshine. It is not even May yet, and there will still be more showers to come, but on Tuesday morning I came out of my house to find my tree had betrayed me, and was playing in the sun with all the kids.

So I will take my cue from the trees and the children, and start my summertime fun by planting a garden in our yard. Stay tuned for more on that.

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