Wednesday, September 12, 2012

1 down... Around 45 more to go

Today was my first injection for IVF. 

Of course I've done injections for other cycles, but this is a new medicaiton for me and is a diferent type of injection.

The injections I've done before have been a drug called Puregon.  It comes in a pen form.  You put on a fresh needle, dial up the dose, inject the needle and press a button to release the medication.  I will use this drug again later in my cycle (next week actually), but this drug I'm using now is different.

This drug is called Suprefact.  It is used to suppress my own natural horemones so that my RE has complete control of my horemones through drugs.  It comes in a vial and I have a bunch of regular syringes that I have to fill from the vial and inject into my stomach.   The way you hold the pen is much different from the way you hold a regular syringe.  For the pen you just have to press the button, but for the syringe, you have to push down on the plunger.  The needles on the pen are also a lot thiner and therefore pierce the skin easier. This morning I wasn't sure if it was going to go through or not!

 The only side effects I've had so far was some redness and itching around the injection site, but that went away within a few minutes.

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