Monday, October 8, 2012

Transfer Day

Today was transfer day!!

Sometime I still can't believe we made it here.  It's surreal.

This morning D and I drove down to the FC for our day 3 transfer.  When we arrived, we were taken back to the same prep/recovery area that I was in for the retrieval on Friday.  We were the only transfer this morning so it was pretty quiet in that area.  At our retrieval, there was one other couple back there with us but I don't know what stage they were at... maybe they were doing their transfer that day?  Either that or they didn't make it to day 3 or they have amazing embryos and went to day 5!  I really hope for them it's the latter.

Anyway, it was quiet... 

After I changed, we were brought into the same procedure room as Friday and the nurse checked to make sure my bladder was full enough.  It probably could have been a little fuller as they were still having some trouble getting a good picture of my uterus because of my enlarged ovaries.  A few minutes later, the RE came in.  This is an RE that I'd never met before.  He explained the procedure to me and what would be happening step by step.  He then had a conversation with the Lab tech and the nurse to confirm identities and an embryo information and generally make sure that everything is food to go.

In the procedure room there is a window, almost like a take-out window with shutters that connects to the lab.  During the ER,  the contents of each of my follicles were passed through this window and the lab techs confirmed the presence of an egg.  This time, the lab loaded 2 of our embryos into a catheter and handed the catheter to the RE.  The catheter was wrapped inside a paper package with my name on it and I was asked to confirm that it was in fact my name.

It was.


Next my legs were put up into stirrups and the procedure began.  First a warmed speculum was inserted.  Side note: why don't all doctors warm speculum's???  They are always freezing! Anyway, it was nice that is was warm...  Then, the RE and the nurse worked together to track the insertion of the catheter through my cervix and into my uterus.

D and I were both able to see the ultrasound screen which was really cool!  They stopped a couple times to take some measurements, and when he found a nice cozy spot in my uterus he stopped and gently pushed the embryos from the catheter to nestle in my uterine lining. 

It was THE most AMAZING thing to see.  I wish I had taken a picture.  No, you can't actually see the embryos, they are still microscopic at this point, but they put them between 2 air bubbles and you can see the bubbles.  As the bubbles were released from the end of the catheter, they shone so brightly on the screen, like sparks of light!

Sparks of life!

D and I watched those little sparks for as long as they were on the screen before the nurse took instrument off my belly.  The catheter was removed and handed back to the lab where they inspected it under microscope to ensure the embryos are no longer there.  When we got the all clear from the lab (literally, they called out "All clear"), I was released from my stirrups and allowed to get dressed and go home.

While I was changing, the nurse brought out a copy of our Embryo Transfer Record.  Today we transferred two 8 cell / grade 4 embryos.  That is the highest day 3 quality you can have.  We are very hopeful that this will work.  The remaining 8 will be frozen for future use.

For freezing:
1@ 8 cell / grade 4
2@ 8 cell / grade 3
1@ 10 cell / grade 4 - this one is slightly over developed for day 3, that's why this wasn't used today.
1@ 9 cell / grade 3
1@ 7 cell / grade 3
1@ 5 cell / grade 4
1@ 12 cell / grade 3

I really hope we don't have to use these.  At least not anytime soon...  maybe to give this little one a sibling?

Today, I'm just thankful to keep my little sparks safe and happy in my tummy.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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